Peptides and Growth Hormone (50 Offers)
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Humulin M 70/30 Lilly, Turkey
Lilly, Turkey
Manufacturer: Lilly, Turkey
Substance: Human Insulin
Pack: 1 vial (100 iu/ml)
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Humulin N NPH 3 ml Lilly, Turkey
Lilly, Turkey

Manufacturer: Lilly
Substance: Insulin
Pack: 1 kit [5 x 3 mL Cartridges (100 IU/mL)]

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Humulin R Lilly, Turkey
Lilly, Turkey
Manufacturer: Eli Lilly
Substance: Human Insulin
Pack: 1 vial (100 iu/ml)
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Humulin R 3ml Lilly, Turkey
Lilly, Turkey

Manufacturer: Lilly Turkey
Substance: Regular Human Insulin USP
Pack: 1 kit [5 x 3 mL Cartridges (100 IU/mL)]

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Jintropin 10IU GenSci China
GenSci China
Manufacturer: GenSci China
Substance: Human Growth Hormone ( Somatropin [rDNA origin] )
Pack: 1 kit (10 vials 10 iu/vial)
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Jintropin 200IU GenSci China
GenSci China
Manufacturer: GenSci China
Substance: Human Growth Hormone ( Somatropin [rDNA origin] )
Pack: 1 kit (20 vials 10 iu/vial)
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Jintropin 50IU Europharm
Manufacturer: Europharm
Substance: Human Growth Hormone ( Somatropin [rDNA origin] )
Pack: 1 kit (5 vials 10 iu/vial)
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Lantus SoloStar Sanofi Aventis
Sanofi Aventis

Manufacturer: Sanofi Aventis
Substance: Insulin Glargine
Pack: 1 kit [5 x 3 mL Injection Pens (100 U/mL)]

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Norditropin 15 iu (5 mg) - Somatropin Simplex Novonordisk, Turkey
Simplex Novonordisk, Turkey
Manufacturer: SimpleXx Novo Nordisk, Turkey
Substance: Human Growth Hormone
Pack: 15 IU injection cartridge (5 mg/1.5 mL)
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Norditropin 30iu (10mg) - Somatropin Simplex Novonordisk, Turkey
Simplex Novonordisk, Turkey
Manufacturer: SimpleXx Novo Nordisk, Turkey
Substance: Human Growth Hormone
Pack: 30 IU injection cartridge (10 mg/1.5 mL)
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Norditropin 45iu (15mg) - Somatropin Simplex Novonordisk, Turkey
Simplex Novonordisk, Turkey
Manufacturer: SimpleXx Novo Nordisk, Turkey
Substance: Human Growth Hormone
Pack: 45 IU injection cartridge (15mg/1.5 mL)
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Ozempic 1mg NovoNordisk, Turkey
NovoNordisk, Turkey

Manufacturer: NovoNordisk, Turkey
Substance: Semaglutide
Package:1 pen (1 mg)

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