Peptides and Growth Hormone (50 Offers)
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MOTS-c 10mg Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Brand: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Active Ingredients: MOTS-c
Strength: 10 mg
Unit: vial
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Minimum Order Amount: 1

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US Domestic & International
KalpaTropin Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceutical
Substance: Human Growth Hormone ( Somatropin [rDNA origin] )
Pack: 1kit = 100iu (10 vials x 10iu/vial)

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US Domestic & International
AxoTropin Axiolabs

Manufacturer: Axiolabs
Substance: 191-aa Somatropin
Package: 10 vials | 10 iu per vial

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US Domestic & International
Somatrobol 100IU British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Made by British Dragon
Contains 100 IUs of 191-aa Somatropin
10 vials of 10 IU each

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Ansomone 10IU Anhui Anke Biotechnology LTD
Anhui Anke Biotechnology LTD
Manufacturer: Anhui Anke Biotechnology LTD
Substance: Human Growth Hormone ( Somatropin [rDNA origin] )
Pack: 1 kit (10 vials 10 iu (33.3mg)/vial)
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Apidra SoloStar Sanofi Aventis
Sanofi Aventis
Manufacturer: Sanofi Aventis
Substance: Insulin Glulisine (rDNA origin)
Pack: 1 box (5 x 3 mL pens 100 U/mL)
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Genotropin Go Quick 16 IU (5,3MG) - Somatropin Pfizer, Turkey
Pfizer, Turkey
Manufacturer: Pfizer, Turkey
Substance: Human Growth Hormone
Pack: 1 injection pen of 16iu
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US Domestic & International
Genotropin Go Quick 36 IU (12mg) - Somatropin Pfizer, Turkey
Pfizer, Turkey
Manufacturer: Pfizer, Turkey
Substance: Human Growth Hormone
Pack: 1 injection pen of 36iu
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Humalog KwikPen Mix 25 Eli Lilly
Eli Lilly
Manufacturer: Lilly, Turkey
Substance: 25% Insulin Lispro 75% Insulin Lispro Protamine Suspension (rDNA Origin)
Pack: 1 Pen 100 U/mL (3.5 mg/mL)
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Humatrope 18IU (6mg) - Somatropin Lilly, Turkey
Lilly, Turkey
Manufacturer: Lilly, Turkey
Substance: Human Growth Hormone
Pack: 1 injection cartrige of 18iu
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Humatrope 36IU (12mg) - Somatropin Lilly, Turkey
Lilly, Turkey
Manufacturer: Lilly, Turkey
Substance: Human Growth Hormone
Pack: 1 injection cartrige of 36iu
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Humatrope HGH (24mg) 72IU - Somatropin Lilly, Turkey
Lilly, Turkey

Made by Lilly, Turkey
Contains 24 mg (72 iu) of Somatropin
One injection cartrige

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