Enantat 400
60.00 USD

Made by Dragon Pharma
Contains 400 mg/ml of Testosterone Enanthate
One 10 ml multiuse vial

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Enantat 400 Dragon Pharma, Europe

Enantat 400 Detailed

Enantat 400 - Dragon Pharma Testosterone

Testosterone is considered the precursor of many of the synthetic steroids that you can buy on the marked at the moment. That's totally understandable since most of the ASS are derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. Having a high anabolic-androgenic rate, it's without question the preferred drug added by many bodybuilder to their mass gaining cycles during off-season. The enanthate ester of Testosterone, similar to other esters, has a high aromatization rate and will convert to DHT at a greater extent then some of the other Anabolic Androgenic Steroids. Due to this properties, water retention during cycle is reported but not as high as with the use of Sustanon, although it's close. One moment that should be considered by those sensitive to gyno or other estrogen related side effects is running Enantat 400 at a lower dosage or adding an aromatize inhibitor like arimidex to their cycle protocol. Other drugs utilized for this purpose are Proviron and Nolvadex. Proscar has also proved effective in blocking DHT conversion enzyme.

Enantat 400 Dosages and Usage

Cycle Duration

The duration of a Dragon Pharma Enantat 400 cycle can vary from person to person. It is usually used for 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the athlete's goals and how the body responds to the hormone.


The Enantat 400 dosage during a bodybuilding cycle will be higher than the dosage used for testosterone replacement therapy. The average dosage range for a beginner is somewhere between 250 to 500 mg per week. Experienced bodybuilders may opt for a higher dosage of 500 to 750 mg per week and more. A weekly dosage of 400 to 500 mg of the Dragon Pharma Enantat will normally be good enough for most people to experience decent to excellent results given that they follow a proper diet and workout routine. 

Frequency of Injections

Testosterone Enanthate has a half life of around 5 days, meaning that you'll still have 50% of the injected dosage after 5 days, thereby administering Enantat 400 twice a week is the most common injection protocol. This will ensure a steady level of testosterone in the body. It is important to inject the hormone at the same time each week to ensure consistent results.

Enantat 400 is also known to suppress the function Hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis which makes it necessary to consider taking drugs that will stimulate the natural production of testosterone. The most used for this purpose drug is HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin).

Without this compounds the endogenous testosterone production will normalize but this will happen at a much lower rate which may lead to losing some of the gains once the use of testosterone is discontinued, especially without a proper post cycle routine. HCG can be started after the 4th week. 5000 iu of HCG administered during a time interval of 10 days should do the job and rise the test production to an acceptable level.

Enantat 400 Post Cycle and Side Effects

The use of post cycle drugs such as clomid or nolvadex is a must, at least to those who want to keep the muscles gained during cycle. The PCT routine should be started in 10 to 14 days after the last injection of Enantat 400.

The most obvious and frequent negative side effects that can occur during testosterone therapy are water retention and quite strong androgenic effects. Due to it's aromatization, Testosterone Enanthate can lead to an increased fat deposit. Elevated liver enzymes were reported as the liver is capable of metabolizing testosterone quite easy, but this usually occur with higher dosages. Other reported effects include high blood pressure, aggressiveness, gynecomastia, hair growth and other.

Enantat 400 Cycle Protocols

Classic Mass Builder - Enantat and Dianabol Cycle

WEEKS PRODUCT Dosages and Frequency
1-4 Dianabol 20mg 50 mg daily (2.5 pills)
1-10 Enantat 400 500 mg per week (2 x 250 mg injectios)
Post Cycle Therapy
15-18 Clomid Tabletes 150 mg first day, 100 mg second day 50 mg daily till the end of the PCT

Enantat 400 Reviews

Dec 7, 2023 (23:28)

I'M STACKING 200mg with 150mg of Tren E twice a week, with 40 mg of anavar every day and have had no issues. It's only my second week and am already noticing significant gains

Oct 15, 2023 (12:44)

Works good. Pip is noticeable but not intolerable. I ran it 12 weeks at .5ml a week.

Oct 13, 2023 (14:48)

Got decent results but really bad post injection pain. Very sore for days afterwards.

Jul 25, 2023 (07:16)

Crazy level of soreness at the injection site. Worst I’ve ever experienced. Also, I felt generally down and sick for a couple of days after each shot. I bought two 10ml vials of this, but I’m pulling the plug after only two 0.5ml injections. I don’t recommend it.

Jun 15, 2023 (22:21)

I ordered 2 bottles and i wanted to like this product but it is probably the worst Test E ive ever used. The PIP was off the charts painful even at 1/2 cc i couldn't stand to take more then 1/2cc 200mg a week it was to painful and Test flu sickness would last up to 4 days, i only made it through 3 doses @ 200mg of this product before i pulled the plug. Maybe i received a bad batch idk but a huge waste i wont be trying it again in my years of taking test I've never had side effects this bad, not even close.

May 5, 2021 (07:26)

I run this a year ago. Was very impressed with the results I got. pretty decent muscle gains and also got leaner. My vascularity increased and was recovering much better after workouts. I plan on getting more of this enanthate as soon as it's in stock

Jun 8, 2018 (00:17)

I want to know when this is back in stop

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